Careers Week

Careers Week
11th Mar 2024

National Careers Week at Kingsbury High School is a week-long celebration of different careers and happens every year. It is a flagship moment in the calendar year to learn from a wide range of professionals and to learn about careers in lessons.

All lessons linked subject learning to careers throughout the week, broadening students understanding of the range of carers that link to specific subjects as well understanding the soft skills required and having the opportunity to clearly define these in their lessons and practise them.

Assemblies were held across all year groups, assemblies were delivered by Employers and Employees. A special thank you to Amy Woolf founder of Woolf Partnerships, Author and screenwriter Simon Booker who writes crime novels and prime time TV drama for the BBC, ITV and US TV. Chandni Gajperia clinical Psychologist, CSgt Colin Diddy from the British Army, Olive Anugwom-Fadayomi for visiting and sharing your immensely valuable information with our students. Assemblies promoted reflections on What careers students could do in the future, the soft and hard skills required for different careers and motivational speaking encouraging students to put steps in place to achieve their dreams.

Small groups of students in each year group met with the professionals and to discuss their future options with a professional in the industry. Conversations were buzzing with talk of entrepreneurship, industry skills and transferable skills from school to the workplace.