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Working with Us

WAS website badgeMaking the decision to apply for a role in any organisation is an important one. At Kingsbury High School we really do care about our staff and recognise that having a clear commitment to them, their career and day-to-day experience working is vital to our colleagues feeling happy, fulfilled and worthwhile. As Headteacher, I understand that this commitment starts from the top. Our values and ethos are interwoven into everything we do and the Kingsbury Way explicitly references Respect for self and Respect for Others. I hope this comes across clearly in our website and literature.

Kingsbury High School is the holder of the Wellbeing Award for Schools (2024-27).

Some of what we do for staff is referenced below. 

Commitment - The DfE Wellbeing Charter is fully supported by the Governors;  a Wellbeing Forum meets monthly; and KHS holds the Wellbeing Award for School (May 2024)

Work-life balance - KHS discourages emails and working out of hours; provides wellbeing advice (via a Virtual Staff Room, VSR and HR); and appraisal is supported via bespoke time off timetable. A wide range of staff extracurricular activities runs throughout the year and you are warmly invited to take part in as many as you can.

Communication - Transparency and signposting is supported via the VSR and a weekly bulletin

Support - A coaching programme supports teacher development; Education Support (EAP) is available for all; and training for leaders on wellbeing and mental health (via MIND) is provided

Human Resources - An induction programme for all staff; a HR function with a supportive attitude towards personal issues - medical; child-related; personal

Feedback loop - At faculty, team and individual level via: TES Pulse; SLT on the sofa; a Joint Consultative Committee with Governors and Professional Associations; and regular consultation.

Continuing Professional Development and Training - A strong commitment to CPD and training within school and provides further opportunities as a part  of the Harrow Collegiate  Association (HCA)