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Staff Vacancies

Kingsbury High School is a large and successful 11-18 split site school with a vibrant learning environment and a strong community ethos. Students and staff recently celebrated the release of a glowing inspection report (February 2024) which praises the school for its, “vibrant, inclusive culture”. The report reflects the school’s noticeable development over the last few years, with particular emphasis on high expectations, the strength of relationships between pupils and staff and the exceptional educational experience offered in Sixth Form.

Kingsbury High School has a long history of success. There is a keen understanding of the importance of values and a sense of tradition, encapsulated by our motto, Spectemur Agendo. It dates back to the founding of our predecessor school, the Kingsbury County, in the 1920s, and it is Latin for, “let us be judged by our actions”. As Headteacher I seek to lead the school with this at the heart and ask students to follow the Kingsbury Way: to respect themselves, others and the environment. In November 2022 the school achieved ’Gold’ status on the UN Rights Respecting School Award reflecting our commitment to children and young people.

A great school is a combination of different things. We are equally proud of the many opportunities we provide for our students beyond the curriculum and how we develop students as individuals ready for adult life. Students know our aim is to develop in all of our students the love of learning, intellectual curiosity, skills and qualities of character needed to become successful, happy and engaged members of society. Our key values are: Aspiration; Integrity; Respect; Responsibility and Resilience. Through these, we aim to combine both academic success and the development of the broader aspects of each student’s character.

- Alex Thomas, Headteacher

If you have any further questions about an advert, require any assistance with your application, or would like to discuss any of our vacancies, please do not hesitate to reach out to the HR team by emailing -khsvacancies@kingsburyhigh.org.uk.

Kingsbury News