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Student Attitudes

Student Attitudes (Behaviour & Attendance)

We believe, as our school motto - Spectemur Agendo - asserts, that we should all be ‘judged by our actions’.   We expect the highest standards of behaviour and conduct from all our students as we are concerned to ensure that they flourish into learners who are engaged, enthusiastic and who make excellent progress.

The 'Kingsbury Way' focuses on RESPECT as part of our Rights Respecting School status.



Bullying is very clearly contrary to Kingsbury High School values and is completely unacceptable. Bullying is defined as:

The repetitive, intentional harming of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power.

Any incidents of bullying should be reported to the Year Leader. The Year Leader will:

  • Listen to the concerns raised
  • Report the concerns to the victim’s parents/carers
  • Explain to the perpetrator/s why the behaviour is harmful and unacceptable
  • Report the concerns to the perpetrator/s’ parents/carers
  • Offer the victim a restorative justice meeting with the perpetrator/s and moderate this meeting
  • Log the concerns on school systems
  • Apply any sanctions, particularly for repeated incidents which will lead to increasing sanctions
Article 28: Every child has the right to an education.

The Article 28 Project is named after the article in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. It is Kingsbury High School’s on-site alternative provision for students displaying persistent poor behaviour or students who are experiencing circumstances which may make it difficult for them to be in main circulation.

It is based on the Lower School site and operates between 09.30 and 16.15.  Students will complete their academic work in the provision and will also receive interventions to address their behavioural issues.  The goal of the provision is to help students to prepare for successful reintegration back into mainstream education.

The curriculum is 80% academic and is supported by an online package. Students also receive social skills sessions, emotional intelligence work, PSHE, mindfulness, art, drama, sport and outdoors activities. Students will also work 1-2-1 with a mentor during their time in Article 28 and this work will follow them back into mainstream where necessary. Article 28 prides itself on not being a one size fits all approach; it allows time for change and encourages engagement from all stakeholders particularly parents to work with us to support their child. It will always aim for students to re-enter the mainstream school and continue on their path to a successful future.


Please click on the links below for further useful information about Attendance.

Parental Attendance Guide

EPN Leaflet

If students do not attend school regularly or miss the start of lessons and/or form times they cannot successfully access the education available to them which has the potential to limit their success.

We also believe it is important that students establish good routines and habits in preparation for adult life.  Good punctuality is a key attribute that employers expect and together we need to ensure our young people secure this skill as early as possible.

Under the school’s Positive Punctuality focus:

  • Students will be expected to be in school no later than 08.35am to enable them to be in form for 08.40am
  • Any student arriving after 08.35am will be marked as late and will sit a detention the same day.

The school is open from 08.15am to students. We understand that there may be rare occasions when lateness is unavoidable due to unforeseen circumstances. On these occasions parents will need to contact their child’s Year Leader to inform the school of when their child will arrive and the reason for the lateness.

Please click HERE to view our Attendance Policy.

Our Attendance Policy and Behaviour Policy are available on our Policies page.