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Applying to our Sixth Form

Before applying online
How to Apply

Kingsbury High School (internal) students and students from other schools (external) can apply for Kingsbury Sixth Form from Tuesday 28th November 2023. 

Internal students

An application link will be sent to their school emails. Students will receive a 1-2-1 interview with a staff  member  in March  to discuss their aspirational choices and predicted grades.

External students

Applications for Kingsbury Sixth Form can be made by click HERE. Students will be invited to attend an enrolment interview in the Spring term, subject to references and predicted grades. 

Offered places at Kingsbury Sixth Form are dependent upon students meeting the entry criteria for their chosen subjects and course availability. 

How many A-Level subjects should you take?
  • You only need to study three A Levels. For BTEC Nationals, you can study courses which are equivalent to one, two or three A Levels (please see entry criteria for more information).
  • You may apply to study four A Levels especially if you choose Mathematics as an aspirational choice and wish to also study Further Mathematics. 
  • The Sixth Form enrolment team will review your actual GCSE results on Results Day and will promptly inform you whether you have gained a place at KHS Sixth Form, or if we have other subjects/courses we can offer you.
Studying Btec Nationals
  • Nearly 25% of students at university achieved their place by studying vocational courses such as Btec Nationals.
  • Btec Nationals are equivalent to A Levels and are awarded as Pass; Merit; Distinction, Distinction*
  • Btec National Certificate in Information Technology is equivalent to one A Level.
  • Btec National Diploma in Business is equivalent to two A Levels, so you will need to study another A Level or Btec Certificate to make it equivalent to three A Levels.
  • Btec National Extended Diploma in Applied Science, Health and Social Care and Information Technology are each equivalent to three A Levels, so you only take one of these courses. All courses lead to post-18 progression to university of apprenticeships.
  • We also offer a Cambridge Technical in Art which is equivalent to 1 A Level. It is a qualification very similar to a Btec National Certificate, except our teachers find that our students prefer this art course to a Btec art course.
Does KHS Sixth Form only offer A-Levels and Btec courses?
  • Yes – we only offer Level 3 courses (A Levels and Btec Nationals).
  • The Sixth Form does not offer Level 2 courses (GCSE level), other than GCSE Maths retakes.

After Applying

Kingsbury High School's Internal Applicants

Predicted and trial GCSE grades will be used when offering students conditional offers (based on the courses chosen). These grades are guided by student’s mock examinations in December. 

Every Year 11 student at KHS will have a one-to-one meeting in the Spring term, to discuss their aspirational and insurance choices.

External Applicants 

External applicants will be contacted in the Spring term regarding their applications. Students will also be invited into KHS for a meeting, to discuss their chosen courses/subjects. Last year, we had over 200 applications externally for around 40 places.

GCSE Retakes

We are only able to offer provision for students who need to re-sit GCSE Maths. Students must have a minimum of a Grade 4 in English Language.

Entry Criteria & Courses for 2024-25

Sixth Form Home-School Learning Agreement

Year 12 Exam Boards & Text Books 2023-24

Year 12 Options Columns 2024-25

Year 13 Exam Boards & Text Books 2023-24