2023 Staff Pantomime - Peter Pan-demic

2023 Staff Pantomime - Peter  Pan-demic
5th Jan 2024

The 2023 Staff Pantomime Peter Pan-demic was a series of “firsts”.

I decided to write a new script, trying to include the school values where I could.

I knew I would need help producing and Mr. Froy was the perfect co-producer. We have now formed “Fuller-Froy Productions”. Mr Froy persuaded Mr McClean, Miss Hurt and Mr. Patel to be in the show for the first time.

Being part of a school production is something I really enjoyed when I was a KHS Student 1977-1984 and still get a buzz being part of a team: working together, to put on the best show you can and then seeing the reaction of an appreciative audience. We are lucky to have such a great group of staff at Kingsbury High who do the extra-curricular activities that are so important at this school.

  • Mr Vadgama came up with the great idea for the name “Peter Pan-demic”.
  • Miss Sirer had the idea, filmed and produced the first Staff Tik-Tok, which the audience clearly enjoyed.
  • Thank you to Mr McClean, Mr Patel, Miss Hurt and Mr Froy for taking part in the filming of the Covid News Conference.
  • For the first time Miss Vekaria choreographed the staff dance.
  • Miss McNeil and Miss Moses stage managed the show.
  • Miss Barclay organised costumes, makeup and props.
  • First use of Tyler’s Hall new lighting system which Mr. Windrich had organised and installed.
  • Mr. Windrich ran the lights during the performances, with Year 13 students Darian helping him and Amman on follow-spot.
  • Three staff took to the stage, making their first appearance in a KHS Panto, Mr Rubaninsky, Miss Buena, Miss Alder, Miss, Scott and a welcome return for Miss Lakhani, who hasn’t been able to take part for a while.
  • Mr. Froy revealed he is a professional magician.

For the first time we used radio mics that we were given as a Jack Petchey prize, thanks to Mr Sabag and Darian. The audience was great and ending the long Autumn term with the panto is always a great highlight for me, sitting at the back of the hall watching our 1000 lower school students enjoying their teachers having fun and putting on an outstanding good show (this year's performance was down-graded because too many staff hadn’t learnt their lines and needed scripts on stage!).

Links to the performance on eStream. For our community and KHS Alumni, you might like to look at our 2005 KHS Amarillo tribute I put together with Roger Slater, how many faces do you recognise? Many sadly are no longer with us. You can also see the KHS version of Pharrell Williams "Happy" starring nine staff retiring after long service..

  • Nigel Jamieson 1976 - 2014
  • Roger Slater 1977 - 2014
  • Pat Brown 1976 - 2014
  • Mick Knox 1980 - 2014
  • Ita McNamara 1984 -2014
  • Bharti Mistry 1986 - 2014
  • Juliana Keane 1989 - 2014
  • David Humble 1993 - 2014
  • Narinder Nathan 1994 - 2014

Best wishes for 2024, hope it is a good year for you all.