Suzanne Heywood - The Pursuit of an Education

Suzanne Heywood - The  Pursuit of an Education
15th May 2024

“Every child has the right to have an education” - UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, Article 28.

As the waves mounted, the boat pitched and yawned, Suzanne braced herself in the main cabin. This was not any ordinary storm. Before long, the waves reached a terrifying height, smashing into the boat. Suzanne was thrown against the wall, her skull fractured, her nose broken, and no doctors in sight.

But Suzanne was already fighting another storm: she was trapped on a boat, almost cut off from the outside world and with no access to education.

Last week, Kingsbury High School hosted an engaging talk by Suzanne Heywood; now an international bestselling author and successful businesswoman. Suzanne shared her experience aboard a boat during childhood and her journey to obtain an education, detailed in her book 'Wavewalker'. At just seven years old, Suzanne embarked on a global voyage with her family, following Captain Cook's third expedition.

During her time on the boat, Suzanne had to overcome not only physical challenges but also archaic views: being a girl, she was expected to cook and clean from a very young age, particularly when the paying guests arrived. Her dream of getting a formal education was hard to achieve, but an inner unwavering desire to succeed was guiding her.

Her words reverberated on the walls of the Elizabeth William room and resonated in the attentive Kingsbury students. For those sailing imaginary seas in imaginary boats the message was clear.

Showing her generosity, Suzanne gifted each listener a copy of her book ‘Wavewalker’ and answered questions relating to her time at Oxford, and experiences in the corporate world.

Her story is one of resilience, endurance, determination, and a love for learning.