Year 11 Evening of Achievement

Year 11 Evening of Achievement
23rd May 2024

The Year 11 Evening of Achievement gives us an opportunity to recognise the tremendous amount of effort and commitment our Year 11 students have applied to all aspects of school life over the past two years in the Examination Stage.

It was a very difficult job for the teachers to decide who to nominate from a year group with so many diligent students, and KHS is fortunate to have such well- motivated students who manage to fulfil their potential.

130 students were nominated by various faculties, with awards given for the KHS values of Aspiration, Integrity, Respect, Responsibility and Resilience.

Musical entertainment was provided by a piano medley by Nikhil P, and an electric guitar piece by Eve Grace R.

The evening culminated with the presentation of the Headteacher's Gold, Silver and Bronze awards for Student of the Year to Larsa Jr, Niral V and Mustafa A H.

It was wonderful to have K Hall full of energy and celebration, and our thanks go to our students and parents for their continued support.