World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day
11th Oct 2024

We joined the Global community & celebrated World Mental Health day on Thursday 1Oth October

Assemblies were lead by our sixth form well being ambassadors throughout the week, giving students advice on how to not just look after themselves but also how to support their peers

We signed up to the the Young Minds Campaign - Hello Yellow and we asked all teachers to cancel homework on this day and instead we set a whole school homework for students to have an opportunity to doodle.

It did raise questions with the school community of why are we encouraging everyone to doodle but studies have shown:

  • It increases blood flow to the brain, especially in the prefrontal cortex, which regulates
  • Higher functions such as thoughts, feelings, and actions.
  • Doodling enhances memory, creativity, focus, and concentration, all while reducing stress.

It has been great to hear from students of how they found it and for some students this has been something that they have found works for them. In the assemblies our sixth form well being ambassadors emphasised that what works for one person might not work for another and last year's mental health homework of spending time to talk to someone might be the support that they need

It was great to end the day to hear that we won a competition set by young minds and have won a hello yellow buddy bench and we are looking forward to receiving this during the month of November