Sixth Form Debating Club

Sixth Form Debating Club
8th Nov 2024

English Speaking Union Debating Competition

On Thursday 7th November, Maysa H and Ibrahim N (both Y13) were KHS’s representatives in the English Speaking Union Debating Competition. After convincingly opposing the motion ‘This House Would Implement a Four-Day school week’, Maysa and Ibrahim faced a nervy wait for the judges to announce the result. However, they needn’t have worried. Kingsbury were announced as one of the two teams (out of 6) progressing to the next round, beating some of London’s most prestigious schools. This represents KHS’s best performance in the competition since before COVID. Congratulations to Maysa and Ibrahim on a fantastic and well-deserved achievement, and bring on the next round!

US Presidential Election Debate

On Monday 4th November, the KHS Debate Club looked across the Atlantic to the upcoming US Presidential election, as representatives of the Kamala Harris and Donald Trump campaigns made their pre-election pitches to students. What followed was a well-attended and high-quality debate which pitted Maysa Hashi and Dillan Kerai against Anokhi Govind and Amir Hasoon. Our 4 speakers not only delivered well-researched and passionate speeches, but also expertly fielded questions from our knowledgeable audience of teachers and students. The final result, when it came, was close. Kingsbury High School’s vote ultimately went to Kamala Harris.