''The subjects of Spanish and Food Technology joined forces offering a cross-curricular lesson on making Chicken Fajitas through Spanish with Miss Tsikritzi and Miss Omale.
The students were taught the ingredients and the utensils necessary for making chicken fajitas. They also learned about the function of each ingredient.
Fajitas is a dish of Mexican origin consisting of strips of spiced beef or chicken, chopped vegetables, and grated cheese, wrapped in a soft tortilla and often served with sour cream.
In the kitchen students put their knowledge into practice and they were very creative!!
A lesson full of fun learning!
I would like to shout out the following students from 9GSP:
Sakia, Munira, Stefan, Aishwarya, Venesha, Aaron, Elisa, Yaquub, Cosmin, Alexandru, Golnar, Ramal, Melany, Athith, Muhsin, Rianna,Thaageve, Kumayl, Khadija, Jaiden, Sarah Z for being resilient, responsible and helping with cleaning up.