- Art
- Business Studies
- Computer Science & IT
- Criminology
- Drama
- Economics
- Engineering
- English
- French
- Geography
- German
- Health & Social Care
- History
- Latin
- Mathematics
- Media Studies
- Music
- PE
- Personal Development
- Photography
- Politics
- Psychology
- Religious Studies
- Science - Biology, Chemistry & Physics
- Sociology
- Spanish
- Technology: D&T
- Technology: Food
Sociology fosters the development of critical and reflective thinking with a respect for social diversity and inclusivity in our society; and to encourage an awareness of the importance of social structure and social action in explaining social issues. Students are encouraged to develop their own sociological awareness through active involvement with the contemporary social world. The eminent sociologist C.Wright-Mills said “you must learn to use your life experience in your intellectual work: continually to examine and interpret it.” (The Sociological Imagination, 1959). Sociology encourages students to be inspired, moved and changed by following a broad, coherent, satisfying and worthwhile course of study and to reflect on the relevance of their own experience of the social world to enhance their ability to play informed roles within different social contexts. Sociology prepares students to make informed decisions about further learning opportunities and career choices. The British Sociological Association provides more information, promoting the study of Sociology in higher education.